Breaking News

Monday, January 15, 2018

I Gave The Federal Government Pictures Of 800 Herdsmen Killed – Emir Sanusi

The Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II, says he personally gave the FG pictures of 800 Fulani herdsmen and their families that were killed in Taraba State last year but the government had yet to take action.

In an interview with Punchng, he added that the killings in the Middle Belt were being perpetrated by both the herdsmen and the locals, stressing that the murder of the herdsmen was not being accurately reported thereby presenting a false narrative of ‘one-sided killings’.

The emir said, “Some months ago in Mambilla, in one weekend, over 800 Fulani were murdered by Mambilla militias. The papers did not even go there to cover the story.

In one case, a pregnant woman was killed, her stomach was ripped open and the baby was brought out and slaughtered. I personally handed over to the FG a dossier with the names and pictures of the 800 or so people slaughtered as well as the names and addresses of persons known to have participated in these acts of ethnic cleansing.

Nothing has happened. I also ensured that authorities received video and audio evidence of senior politicians in Taraba State, who were involved in this act of genocide. No one has been arrested.

Fulanis were also murdered in Kajuru and Numan. In many of these cases it was not about conflict but militias raiding settlements to kill women and children, and then later, attacking herdsmen and slaughtering them and their cattle.

The point I am making is that we are living in a country that has failed to protect the lives of people on all sides and bring culprits to book.

Also in the case of the Fulani, there is a deliberate attempt to ‘ethnicise’ criminality, and politicians, who are total failures, have found the anti-Fulani rhetoric to be the way to get popularity,” he said.

The monarch said as far as perpetrators continued to get away with the dastardly acts, they would remain emboldened to continue to kill. Sanusi alleged that in Taraba State for instance, one of the officials that took part in the killing of Fulani had been given an appointment by the state government.


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